How to Protect Your Skin From the Sun


Sunburns are the least of your worries when you’re trying to go outdoors without slapping on some sun protection on your skin. Prolonged exposure to the harshness of the sun can cause wrinkles, dry skin, and other skin imperfections. If you still continue to expose yourself to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays without any form of protection, then there’s even a chance that you might get skin cancer.

But if you ask the question, “How can I avoid the sun?” That’s going to be a tricky question to answer. The challenge is even tougher for people who like going to the beach. Your skin needs to produce the protective melanin pigment. Otherwise, the sun’s UV rays can penetrate deep into your flesh, and that can cause some serious problems. Even a mild sunburn can already cause problems as it literally destroys the top layer of the skin. So without further ado, read on to know some helpful ways for you to protect your skin from the harshness of the sun’s rays.

Cover Up as Much as You Can 

We’re not telling you to wear winter clothing when you’re going to the beach. Instead, try to cover up as much as you can; wear a beach hat, or cover yourself with a towel or a shirt when you’re not going to go swimming. In many regions around the globe, the sun’s rays are at their most powerful during the hours between 10 AM to 4 PM. If you’re not going to go out to the beach, then try to stay indoors during this time. Also, it doesn’t mean that you’re inside the comfort of your home that you already think the sun’s rays can’t reach you. Even if you’re just taking a relaxing day doing nothing inside your house, don’t forget to cover your skin with a good sunscreen. Also, use a high SPF sunscreen for the face because the skin on that area of the body is known to be more sensitive than other locations.

Reapply the Sunscreen 

Sunscreens can only protect you for a few hours at most. Most sunscreen formulation will give you sun protection for about two hours at most before it loses its effect. Hence, you should always reapply it every few hours to gain maximum protection from the sun’s rays. Furthermore, if you’re going to sweat or if you’re going swimming, then you should reapply the skincare product about every hour. You might even want to apply a bit of sunscreen on your skin right before going to bed. “But the sun’s not out!” That may be true, but you’re still going to have to deal with the sun’s UV rays.

Don’t Forget the Nose and the Feet 

People tend to forget some areas of the body when they’re trying to protect themselves from the sun’s rays. In fact, most people tend to forget about their noses and feet because these areas don’t tend to stand out so much as compared to your arms or other areas of the face. Apply a sunscreen of at least SPF 15 on these areas to make sure they stay well-protected. You should also apply some zinc oxide paste to boost the protection to a new level.

Just Because the Sun’s Out Doesn’t Mean You Don’t Need Protection 

As we’ve already mentioned, it doesn’t mean that the sun’s not glaring out you from the skies that you automatically think you don’t have to put on sunscreen. Take note – the sun’s UV rays won’t stop beaming down on you, even when it’s raining, snowing, or when it’s just cloudy. Speaking of snow, don’t let the dark clouds and white sceneries fool you because it can mean a painful combination for your skin. Winter season can become exponentially hard on the skin because the UV rays from the sun are very unkind during this time.

Stay protected at all times when you’re trying to safeguard your health and skin from the harshness of the sun. Even though it’s still a good source of vitamin D, always remember that too much of a good thing can be bad for you

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