What Is An ECG And How Does It Work?


If you have ever wondered about your heart health or have suffered from one, you have probably already come across an ECG monitor. Perhaps, you’ve even wondered about the functioning of ECG monitors, its advantages and how to ensure the most ideal way to get a medical grade ECG scan done.

What is ECG?

Also known as EKG, ECG is the abbreviation of electrocardiogram, which is a heart test that tracks the electrical activity of our hearts while also recording it on a moving paper or a line on a screen. An ECG scan is generally used to analyse the heart’s rhythm in order to detect irregularities or other cardiac abnormalities that may potentially lead to serious health issues such as stroke or a heart attack.

How does an ECG monitor work?

In order to get an ECG trace, an ECG monitor is required to record it. With the electrical signals moving through the heart, the ECG monitor also duly records the strength and the timing of these signals in a graph that is known as a P wave. To add to it, traditional monitors actually use wires and patches in order to attach electrodes to the body for the purpose of communicating the ECG trace to a receiver.

What’s the best way to monitor ECG?

Considering the fact that traditional ECG recorders require intrusive skin preparation, professional fitting in the doctor’s office as well as the use of wires or patches are important medical equipment that are needed for every ECG scan.

Duration of an ECG

In all fairness, the length of an ECG test varies greatly, depending on the type of test being performed. In fact, sometimes it can even take a few seconds to several minutes. However, for longer and more consistent monitoring, there are devices that can actually record your ECG for several days in a stretch or even a week or more.

In fact, if you are suffering from high blood pressure, blood cholesterol or blood sugar, it is important for you to work with your health care provider in order to minimize them as much as possible. Additionally, if you’re looking for a BPL ECG machine price list, your search ends at Smart Medical Buyer, bearing in mind that medical purchases must only be made from trusted medical stores such as SMB.

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