Here’s How to Take Care of Yourself if You Have Diabetes
Diabetic retinopathy, neuropathy and increased risk of cardiovascular diseases are the common consequences of diabetes. However, these can be easily averted with a healthy diet, avoiding tobacco, maintaining proper body weight and regular physical activities, according to an article by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Efficient diabetic treatment at home can keep you protected against life-threatening complications. Here’s how to cope with the condition for a healthy and long life.
Routine Checkup
One great way to reverse diabetes is to check your cholesterol and glucose levels regularly. Pay close attention to blood pressure, weight and foot health as well. Additionally, you can go for annual dental and eye checkups and urine tests. Visit the clinic if you need professional help. Consistent monitoring will help you understand if your treatment plan is working. If not, ask your endocrinologist to adjust it accordingly.
Stop Smoking
One major way to begin diabetes treatment at home is to quit smoking altogether. It increases the risk of stroke, eye diseases, kidney damage and ulcers. If you are unable to give up smoking, take help from support groups or local health departments. They are experienced and have helped hundreds of people quit smoking for good. Make sure to stop using other tobacco products as well.
Take Your Vaccines
Diabetes makes your prone to diseases, which are often preventable via a vaccine. Get in touch with your health care professional tofor Tdap, pneumonia, zoster, hepatitis B and flu shots. These will help mitigate the risk of health complications in future. Talk to your doctor to understand which vaccines are required annually and which need to be repeated every 10 years. Also, whether you will require a booster dose later will depend on your age and medical condition.
Physical Exercise
Diabetes symptoms like unexplained weight loss and tiredness can be managed to some extent with moderate physical activity. Try to go for a 10 to 15 minute walk every day. You can also take up sports like badminton, which are not too strenuous. Apart from that, swimming, yoga and running thrice a week for 30 minutes can be beneficial.
Feet and Teeth
High blood sugar levels can lower blood flow to the feet and also cause gum infections. Wash your feet daily, clean in between the toes and moisturize well. Keep a close check on sores and blisters. Brush your teeth twice daily and floss once a day. Visit a dentist thrice a month to make sure there are no internal issues.
There is no permanent treatment of diabetes but proper care can help you live a long and healthy life, despite the disease. Take the condition seriously and don’t ignore any obvious symptoms. Just a little bit of effort and some key lifestyle changes can help control diabetes in adults and children alike.