How Health Insurance is Essential Today


We all live in a time of upheaval, of unforeseen changes, of uncertainty and chaos, even though this might not be readily apparent to us. However, the truth of the matter is that there are un-ignorable changes occurring, and they are occurring fast. For instance, right now, as we speak, the world is witnessing one of the largest cases of Ebola epidemics in the Democratic Republic of Congo. At the same time, more and more microbes are becoming resistant to antibiotics, globalization is causing the easier spread of diseases across international boundaries, and the digital lifestyle is causing us to develop weaker immune systems. With all of these changes occurring around us and within us, there is also a considerable rise in healthcare costs.

This is why it becomes important to avail a health insurance immediately, owing to the fact that not only does this policy contain within it the ability to support you financially during medical emergencies, it can also help you lead a fuller life.

  • Lifestyle Changes:

    you know the times have changed when buying groceries, paying bills, and even learning a new skill have all become digital activities rather than physical ones. However, with the increasing luxury and convenience that digitalization has brought it, the curse that it has levied upon is that we tend to become sedentary and lazy consumers. This has in turn increased our vulnerability to diseases through a systematic weakening of our immune systems. In times like these, it is always necessary to have some way to keep your life in place when diseases come knocking at your door. This is where a proper health insurance policy can work wonders for you.

  • Rising Medical Costs:

    As per studies conducted in the Indian subcontinent, the annual rise in healthcare costs, especially with regards to lifestyle diseases like heart diseases, respiratory diseases, diabetes and others, is equal to 10%. At this rate the average expense for a heart surgery in India, which is equal to about INR 2 lakh, will see an increase of up to INR 5 lakh within 7-10 years. The rising costs of healthcare in India and other developing countries are actually usurping the ability of lower classes to avail affordable medical assistance for their conditions. Under such circumstances, a health insurance policy can be a life-saver and it is best if such a boon is not taken for granted.

  • Peripheral Benefits:

    a comprehensive health insurance policy doesn’t merely cover your treatment charges it also provides coverage for diagnostic tests, as well as costs associated with out-patient departmental procedures. The coverage of pre and post-hospitalization expenses is an amazing benefit to avail owing to the fact that this indicates complete monetary freedom from charges that can usually accumulate and cause considerable financial burden. There are other benefits that a comprehensive health insurance policy offers, which includes periodic health check-ups, vaccination costs, day-care surgeries, medication costs and more.

In an age where the wars between countries have been replaced by countless battles against unseen enemies and pathogens, health insurance is the perfect weapon to safeguard yourself from the severe despair of succumbing to these threats. Choose a health insurance policy that offers comprehensive coverage and is guaranteed by reputed insurance companies like Bharti AXA.

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