Laboratories face a whole lot of challenges, and one of the major difficulties includes diagnostic inaccuracies amongst others.  This challenge has been part and parcelof medical diagnostic for a long time.

The BD MAX™ system was designed as a means of addressing these existing challenges while ensuring that your laboratory is adequately prepared for the ones that may arise subsequently. The BD MAX platform is a fully integrated platform that carries out nucleic acid extraction and real-time PCR, providing results for a large number of samples within 3 hours.

What are the benefits of the BD MAX?

1. Optimal efficiency:

 The BD MAX™ generally improves the efficiency of laboratory practice by:

Improve time management for fast and appropriate treatment decisions and the implementation of these results.

Reducing the total cost of testing and diagnostics by leveraging a flexible menu and a streamlined workflow.

Raise staff productivity through automation. Another benefit that accrues by automation is the eradication of diagnostic inaccuracies.

2. Maximum Versatility:

 The BD MAX™ system is capable of running multiple specimen types and assays in a single test. It aims at reaching more patients with the right tests at the right time.

The system can:

  • Tailor testing to manage variable workloads.
  • Leverage a wide range of molecular solutions
  • Address the complex need for patience through unique assay design.

3. Maximum performance:

The BD MAX™ system aims at improving patient care and medical progress by providing high-performance testing, especially about accuracy and speed.  The BD MAX can also enhance operational, institutional, and financial outcomes through its high-performance operations.


The BD MAX™ system was invented as a means to aid medical progress by improving medical discovery, diagnostics, and the rendering of medical care to an infected person. The platform has done a lot to revolutionalize diagnosis more than any technology in recent times.

It is worthy of note that the BD MAX™ is the first fully-automated system for molecular genetic testing, for both CE-IVD and user-defined protocols that allow one to run multiple specimen types and essays simultaneously. Again, the speed of access to results, which is most times less than 3 hours is another feature that is worthy of note.

The BD MAX™ platform operates as an open system that enables laboratories and research centresto program and automate user-defined thermocycling and PCR-analysis protocols completely.

BD MAX™ has generally made testing hassle-free through the UNITIZED REAGENT STRIPS, which serves as an essential innovation that makes for more efficient quality management. The Unitized Reagent strips to ensure that all the reagents necessary for cell lysis, nucleic acid extraction, amplification, and detection are contained in the unitized reagent strip.

The significant advantage of this is that; unitized reagent strips make for ease of use. Also, the traceability of reagents is guaranteed while room temperature is maintained throughout the testing period.

IVD Molecular Diagnostic Testing is another spectacular innovation. BD MAX™ is building an extensive and robust menu of molecular diagnostics assays on the BD MAX™ system that enables laboratories and research centres to provide important information to caregivers and medical professionals at speed greater than what has been available in the past years.

The BD MAX™ adequately caters to the needs of infection control teams by providing speedy results. It easily integrates into any routine laboratory workflow delivering at least 24 reports in less than 3 hours.


In conclusion, the role of BD MAX™ in modern laboratory testing cannot be stressed enough. As the world advances in technology, medical progress must not be left to the sidelines; the BD MAX™ is proof that the medical sphere in general and more specifically, diagnostics is expanding its horizon daily. Hopefully, this innovation will gain broader adoption in the coming years.

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